

文化 - 2023年2月23日

National Engineers Week: Jeffery Eubank

盟友梅尔 | Waupaca铸造

Jeffery Eubank, a project engineer at Waupaca铸造 in Tell City, Indiana, and a native to the state, has witnessed the advancements of the plant since it was built in 1997.

Jeff Eubank, a Waupaca铸造 Plant 5 project engineer located in Tell City, Indiana. 

Eubank, a 机械 工程 graduate of 普渡大学, discovered Waupaca铸造 at the Foundry Educational Foundation 芝加哥招聘会. After meeting with a few companies and a local Indiana foundry, Eubank was convinced he would never work in a foundry — that was until he met Jim 拉森. 拉森, 威尼斯注册送38元的主管, arranged a trip for Eubank to come visit the company in Waupaca, 威斯康辛州.

“During that interview, even though it was still a foundry, what was different was the people. Everybody was personable and interested in showing you the operation. The guys were very professional, but yet they kind of had a family-type feel to them where they had an invested interest in you. That was a difference right there,尤班克说.

Eubank was hired and started his career at Waupaca铸造 on June 5, 1995, at 沃帕卡的1号工厂.

今天’s foundries are a great place for an engineer to gain experience, from day 1 to retirement. the last three decades, Eubank has witnessed firsthand how 技术与自动化 have and continue to change foundries. The projects he works on are more innovative. The outcomes increase resiliency and worker safety. 在all, the foundry has become a cleaner, leaner and more efficient place to work. And Waupaca铸造’s shift toward modern manufacturing shows that.

After Eubank was hired, construction began on the Tell City plant. Eubank began working on the plant’s construction remotely in Waupaca by revising prints and changing orders. With engineers needed onsite, Eubank was offered a transfer, and he moved back to his home state.

Eubank and his fellow engineers were instantly busy building the phase one portion of the foundry. Eubank remembers the tedious 过程 of attempting to start running the plant. The team would pour iron and then have to mitigate and fix any issues. Once all problems were alleviated, the plant opened and began producing gray and ductile iron castings.

However, the work was not done, and as soon as the plant was running, the team began phase two.

Eubank worked directly with engineers and contractors to coordinate equipment, layout and design for input and output 过程es. Much of what was installed in the initial build and expansion projects, 像砂型机, have since been replaced with more efficient, 更高品质的产品.

The expansion project was completed in 1999. While the work was time-consuming and challenging, Eubank remembers the project fondly and as a highlight of his Waupaca铸造 career.
"I was young — right out of school. Just working with all the different engineers and contractors and different people involved in that project, it was just a great learning experience,尤班克说.

About 20 years after the expansion of the plant was complete, Eubank and Waupaca铸造 engineers were tested by having to figure out how to replace one of the plant’s two cupolas. The cupola had been installed and in use since the plant was built.

尤班克与 fellow project engineer Dave Bean and 工程 peers to complete the project. While Bean focused on the equipment side of the project, designing and determining the layout of the cupola, Eubank designed and coordinated building and infrastructure modifications, such as figuring out how to 移除多于 300,000 pounds of spent material through the plant’s roof for the new installation.

The project was successfully completed in 2022 and has operational improved operational efficiency and reliability.

今天, the Tell City plant continues to incorporate robotics and automation into its 过程es to meet evolving needs of customers.

“When I started out in the plant, we didn't have any robots at all, and now we're up to 41 robots in the plant,尤班克说. “I've seen the change in the automation. We keep automating and making improvements to the 过程 and the equipment.”

The theme of this year’s National Engineers Week is ‘Creating the Future.’ 今天’s engineers play a vital role in innovating solutions that impact our everyday lives. At Waupaca铸造, engineers are central to continuous improvement and 创新. We are proud to be the employer of 115 engineers in our electrical, 机械, 工业, 过程, 质量, environmental and tooling departments.

Cast your own future as an engineer at Waupaca铸造: http://mokmingsky.com/Careers
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